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get ready for movers pdf Thanh Toán

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Get ready for… is a fun and engaging supplementary series offering comprehensive preparation for the Cambridge English for Qualifications Young Learners exams. The series covers all of the grammar, skills, and vocabulary students need to achieve exam success.
  • Thorough preparation for Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners exams.
  • Supplements any course book and is ideal for use in class or at home.
  • Full support for teachers with advice on preparing learners for the test.
  • Classroom Presentation Tool puts Student’s Book on screen for more interactive teaching.
  • Audio content with the Student's Book allows learners to practise at home.
  •  -20k bao gồm student book và audio , chỉ có file pdf
    -quý khách có nhu cầu in sách màu  ,thì 75k/1 quyển
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    - VIETCOMBANK , TÊN TK : TRẦN HỒNG PHÚC, STK : 0381000493281
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    -Xin quý khách mua thẻ cào rồi  nhắn tin số seri , mã thẻ về số điện thoại 0909265875

    • Hay đặt mua  tài liệu qua email : hongphuc.appa@gmail.com
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